Author Archive for: Stuartd

Entries by Stuart D

You Can Laugh At Holiday Sales Worries–If You Follow This Simple Plan

The dog days of summer may seem too early for retailers to look at their seasonal indexes for holiday season planning; but consider this, 32% of e-commerce sales in 2012 were generated between October and December. Since this is the season that can make or break your results for the year, Omni-Channel Holiday planning can’t […]

Could #Sharknado be Chewing Up Your Lead Time ?

This is an excerpt from” Did Sharknado Chew Up All Your Lead Time?” found in the August 2013 edition of Retail Value Chain Federation’s monthly newsletter.  To see the article in its entirety, click on RVCF LINK. It is part of an ongoing 5-part series on Demand Forecasting and Inventory Replenishment. Lead Time is a significant factor […]

Why Your Inventory Replenishment Costs will Explode this Fall

The speed of business operations today is outpacing the level of insight and the execution capabilities of legacy inventory replenishment software. In the new omni-channel marketplace, sales and market behavior can, as they used to say ‘change on a dime’, today we say ‘change on a tweet’. Companies are looking for different processes and new […]

Demand Forecasting Seasonal Horror Stories to Dodge

We enjoy watching horror movies, stock car races, and dodge ball here in the south for the same reason, the chance to watch something go wrong. Companies are watching the back to school sales for signs of our economy’s strength and leading indicators for holiday shopping; will something bad happen? This is a good time […]

Do you make these mistakes with Lead Time?

Lead Time continues to be one of the most requested topics in our discussion groups, customer surveys, and blog research interviews.  There are several reasons that Lead Time is important: a significant portion of your inventory dollars are invested in lead time, it’s a critical component to Just in Time (JIT) inventory replenishment, and last, […]

A little Demand Forecasting Mistake that Cost a Retailer >$250,000

A little Demand forecasting mistake costs retailers and wholesalers significant profits each year. While the mistake seems small, in reality, over one year, the total dollars in lost profits will be significant. How? Demand forecasting impacts your largest asset, your inventory. Also, Demand Forecasting is an integral part of many business processes, poor processes cost […]

Seasonal Indexes Serve Up Lost Sales and Low Service

Seasonal Indexes are a great tool that can be easily used to manage inventory and improve replenishment, allocations and new product releases. Seasonal Indexes used correctly result in sales growth and fewer out-of-stocks. Hello,Captain Obvious. The unfortunate truth is many of you fail to use seasonal indexes where you should today. The small group that […]

Why Your Lead Time Process Delivers Major Out-of-Stocks and Steps to Fix

Lead Time is increasingly ignored as the culprit responsible for out-of-stock. Today, logistics costs have plummeted while logistics capability has skyrocketed. RFID tags, consolidation of logistic companies, and instant internet information have all contributed to lower costs and better operating efficiencies. This has helped instill a belief that Out-of-Stocks associated with lead time are generally […]

YES, Weekly Replenishment CAUSES Out-of-Stocks and Lost Sales

You believe a weekly replenishment process that includes reviewing plan, inventory, and sales to make purchase order decisions is profitable.  Some people think weekly replenishment increases turns for the business.  Your weekly review and reorder for inventory replenishment also suggests razor sharp exception management processes are in place, ready to act.  Weekly review and reorder […]

Differences in Inventory Replenishment Methodology: Facts and Myths

The Inventory Replenishment Methodology a supply chain solution uses to flag when an inventory replenishment order should be placed is critical to consider when reviewing supply chain software. Review any of the mainstay inventory replenishment systems, and you see what becomes obvious – there are only two methodologies possible. The system signals an inventory replenishment […]