
How to Avoid Carrying Cost Mistakes in Inventory Optimization

Inventory optimization has two significant components: acquisition…

3 Common Forecasting Software Issues and How to Fix

You Are Probably Experiencing these Forecasting Problems Demand…

The Hidden Connection: Lead Time And Inventory Optimization Explained

What is Lead Time? Why Is it Important? Lead Time is the length…

The Truth About Demand-Driven Inventory Replenishment

The Missing Component in Replenishment Software Demand-Driven…

Why is Last Year’s Seasonal Index Not Applicable Now?

Is Your Demand Forecasting Solution Leading to Profits? A seasonal…
ignoring lost sales data in demand forecasting, oops

Neglecting Lost Sales in Demand Forecasting: A Costly Lesson for Retailers

Neglecting Lost Sales data in your demand forecasting math lowers…

Lead Time Forecasting Video

Lead Time is an important factor in any demand-driven forecasting…

Data Profits in Gartner’s 2017 Retail Replenishment and Forecasting Software Guide for the Sixth Year

Atlanta, Georgia – Feb 13, 2018 – Data Profits Inc. (,…

Data Profits Releases 4 Easy Replenishment Ideas that Adapt to the Digital Age

ATLANTA, July 20, 2017 - Data Profits, a mid-tier retail and…