Archive for year: 2013

Critical Steps to Forecasting Replenishment for Demand Planning

Forecasting replenishment correctly and following standardized…

Expert Investment Buying Tips for your Optimized Inventory Replenishment

Inventory Investment Buying (forward buying) is a strategic…

Is your Promotion Planning and Execution Process Out of Date?

Promotions are Vital for Greater Revenue and Reduced Inventory In-Store…

Why Lead Time impacts your Inventory Optimization and How To Fix It

What is Lead Time? Why Is it Important? Lead Time is the length…

Why Sales Forecasting Systems are Wrong for Inventory Replenishment

Sales Forecasting is the wrong tool for inventory replenishment…

Differences between Demand Forecasting and Sales Forecasting for Inventory Replenishment

Demand Forecasting and Sales Forecasting are different, and the…

Seasonal Index Lessons from History

Reviewing Seasonal Indexes is critical for an accurate demand…

Slow and Intermittent Product Demand Forecasting Facts & Myths

Slow and Intermittent products make up 35-40% of most retailer…

Proof: Improving Forecast Accuracy delivers High ROI

A mountain of research today shows that improving forecast…

How To Get Rid of your Planners Once and for all

Demand-Driven Forecasting discussions seem to run into a debate…