Leverage Your Lost Sales Data to Grow Profits
The key to successful Demand Driven retail is leveraging the right data in the right places. Lost Sales data has a lot of leverage that, when ignored, can be your demise; however, those that successfully measure and leverage Lost Sales data will see sales and profit gains. Our Lost Sales blog today outlines how lost sales data can be used to improve inventory optimization and highlights how all the pieces are interconnected. We also dive into the differences between lost opportunity and lost sales, the differences and impacts between the two, and close with some sobering statistics from Lost Sales data collected from the industry.
Our first blog on Lost Sales highlighted the staggering impact of Lost Sales in most businesses today. We outlined some of the methods used to calculate lost sales, and why these methods do not deliver value. Our second Lost Sales blog reviewed how lost sales can add value to demand forecasting and improve the accuracy and value for the service attained calculation.
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